Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

At the start of every year our pastor warns us that we will all face trials in the coming year. For some it's financial. For others it is a loss. Maybe the loss of a job or a loved one.

Every year during that sermon I pray it won't hit us. I think of it like a storm. More specifically, like a tornado. It can hit one home and completely miss the one next door. Not that I wish the bad stuff on my neighbors or strangers... I just pray selfishly that the spiraling mass of chaos will skip us.

Compared to some, we still got off easy this year. But I have to admit, looking back, this was a tough one. I found we had to be strong for a lot of people and in the very end, it meant being strong for ourselves.

Some of the low lights of the year that we stood witness to included watching our neighbor struggle with breast cancer and our hearts breaking for our dear friends who lost their infant child.

On our own, we struggled at work. Brian continues to grow in his abilities but the company is changing and that means hard work and long hours. Add school to that mix and its stressful and exhausting. I personally struggled with my own ability at work as we, too, went through some changes that lead to chaos and confusion.

And just recently, Brian and I held tight to one another as we saw a dream of ours slip through our fingers.

These loses and trials were hard. And so I force myself to count my blessings:
- we have a great roof over our head
- our families are blessed with love for one another... and children who make us laugh
- we have jobs and we are fortunate enough to enjoy them
- our animals give us great pleasure of loads of affection
- although money can be tight we are never left wanting

I think this year when our pastor warns us of what is to come I will still be praying that our house will be skipped. But one thing I guess you could say I've learned is that we will prevail. Our faith is strong and our love for each other is like a rock. In that, we are truly blessed.

So to you and yours and to us, I wish everyone a Safe, Healthy, and Blessed new year. I hope 2008 is a good one.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

'Tis the Season to be Busy!

Saturday morning was a busy but fun one! B and I headed out early and started making the rounds to see people we hadn't seen in awhile. First we visited with friends who had twins in September.

This cutie is Ava. She had the most adorble blue eyes and loves her Daddy!

And this sweet one admiring B is Paige. Definitely the quieter of the two...
I think she was noting how red and orange shouldn't be worn together. Smart girl!

And then last, but certainly not least, we visited with my sister and her family. Morgan shows us here how "beautiful" she looks when she is wearing a dress.

This is what the Christmas season is all about - seeing our friends and family and just enjoying the joy that comes into our hearts as we think about God giving his son for us.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

12/5/07 Christmas Spirit

I just watched videos of my niece and nephew singing at their Christmas Concert... I will tell you what, they ooze Christmas Spirit. Between the wonder of Santa Claus and the joy of singing for Jesus, kids just GET it.

Christmas is about laughter and joy

Christmas is about family and friends

Christmas is about celebrating the best Birthday ever... with gifts and praise!

I can't wait to have those two over the weekend before Christmas. Even though they leave us exhausted, I always have tears on my cheeks when they go. Nothing is as sweet as a child hugging you, loving you, and trusting you.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!! The Christmas Spirit is in the air!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/27/07 Post Anniversary Thoughts

B and I celebrated 7 years of marriage on Sunday. Seven years already... I am in awe and in love with that. He is truly a great man and I have enjoyed all seven years immensely. I thought I would take this time to share with you what marriage or my hubby himself have taught me:

1) Your spouse should be your best friend. Without that, what do you have to build on?
2) Always give more love today than you did yesterday. We are told we still act like newlyweds... every day still feels like the day I said I do.
3) Thank God for your spouse daily. I know
B was part of the plans He has for me.
4) Find your spouse's strengths and learn from them.
B has taught me patience. He lives in each moment without worrying about the past or dwelling on the future. His calm is slowly becoming my calm. And on the flip side, I think perhaps my dreaming about where we will be in years to come is slowly rubbing off on him. :)
5) Apologize when you are wrong. If we didn't do that I think we'd have so many caverns in the past 7 years that by now we may not have had enough rope to bridge them.
6) Praise your spouse. Nothing lifts me more than
B's love and approval. And nothing feels better than when I can tell him I am truly proud of him.

Marriage is awesome. I am so sad to see people in love and in marriage fall out of it. Personally, we made a promise in front of our families and God and it is one we will always honor. Before we even said "I do" we agreed that "
divorce" wasn't in our vocabulary. And over the years we have fought and I have been unreasonable... :) but we are in this together and in love forever. I wish that same feeling for everyone. Because trust me, nothing feels better on this side of Heaven.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11/11/07 - HCC Visit

Sunday morning we went to church with little Maddie's parents. Her mom said that she wanted to go to be closer to Madeline. I am so glad they came.

I am not sure if there are windows in heaven or not but I like to think so. And I am confident that when we talk to God about our loved ones who have already joined him, they hear.

I wonder about what heaven is like a lot. I know we won't be physically the same and yet we recognize one another. That is something we have to have faith on because I wonder how we find each other. Not just recognizing faces but how do we find each other in the large mass of people and angels? Is it over-crowded? Are there apartments? Do you get to fly with angel wings to visit someone who lives the next block over? :)

Dear Lord,

I pray that T&R continue to have strength to face each day. As you have already done, show them your love and goodness despite their tragedy. Hold them close to you, Lord, and protect them as they think about having another child.

Please watch over B and I , too,. Hold my hand these next few weeks and keep us strong. With the holidays approaching, life tends to go to fast and I don't ever want to look back and wonder if I made the most of every moment you give us here on Earth. I may wonder about Heaven, Lord, but I don't think I am done here yet.

Thank you for all your blessings you have given me.
In your son's name, I give honor and praise.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


We said goodbye to Madeline tonight. It was sad but there were words of hope. Madeline is in the arms of Jesus now and we can take comfort in that. And we know that we will see her one day again in heaven... until then she will be Todd & Renee's Guardian Angel.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pray for Madeline's parents

Madeline Rose

Madeline Rose, four week old daughter of Todd and Renee died at Akron Childrens Hospital, Thursday, October 25, 2007, from heart related complications.

Although she was only with us for a short time, she will be in our hearts forever.

Madeline was born on September 27, 2007, at Barberton Citizens Hospital.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pray for Madeline

This is Madeline. This sweet baby girl was born a month ago and now needs your prayers. She is in the hospital for a heart surgery. I cannot imagine being in her parents shoes. Just one week ago she was doing great and now they are sitting by her side at the hospital waiting to find out when she will be strong enough for surgery. There can't be any other fear like it.

Please pray with me for this little girl and her parents.

Dear Lord,

Please watch over Madeline and make her whole and well. Lay your gentle hand upon her heart and give her parents peace of mind. They need you know more than ever and I pray they are turning to you for comfort. I know, Lord, that you do all things for a reason and I don't doubt that is the case now. Just help us to see your plan and to know your always beside us.

In Your Son's name we pray.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This Blog Will Be A-Changin'

Thanks for stopping by once more to check in on me. I will be changing the format and topic of my blog at some point in the near future. Despite still walking occasionally at lunch and on Saturdays, my blisters are no longer the central part of my life. I am still getting them and definitely still dealing with that bad toe but it's time to move on to other things.

So for now:

Thursday, August 30, 2007

8/30/07 - Post 3-Day Pampering

I am not sure how much longer I can write about the 3-Day Walk but this really does tie in. I work with JK, who thought that I would look good with some darker color in my hair because of my complexion. After discussing it with my hubby, I decided to try it when the leaves and temperatures started turning ...

The timing worked out great. Now, just two weeks after starting the 3-Day, I got to spend the day at the salon getting pampered.

Here is a before picture:

And here are a couple of pictures afterwards:

I think it looks very natural. My girl did a great job of not going too over board since this is the first time I have done anything like this. If you know me, you know my hair regimen consists of shower, brush, go. This adds a new element to it, though, and I really like it. It's subtle but not invisible.

Thanks to JK for pushing me out of my comfort zone... but I am just telling you now, I don't think I can ever do the make-up thing. That'd be going too far!! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8/21/07 - 3 Day Pictures!!!


This is DS and myself at the check-in on Friday morning.

In the center are the eight survivors who were honored during the opening ceremony.

We knew God was with us as we started our walk Friday morning - He was shining down from the sky.

Pit Stop #1 - The crew working the stations had stickers, photo ops, food, and water.

Friends came to visit us at the Cheering Station Friday afternoon!!
Seeing their faces lifted our spirits and helped us to continue on.

We arrived at camp to see some pink tents set up... but we soon realized that we had to set up our own, just as those walkers before us did. Above is what camp looked like at 2pm.

And here is what camp looked like by 5pm. It was a sea of pink.

DS had never camped before and she was a real trooper. Here we are modeling our lovely head lamps. They came in handy when nature called in the middle of the night.


You don't know what support is until you see you husband waiting for you along a journey like this one. When I saw him my spirits lifted higher than I could have ever imagined.

Thanks, Babe, for always being there for me!!

How appropriate is this sign?

The family that made these were everywhere along the route all three days.

I took this picture at Pit Stop #3 on Saturday afternoon. The grass was lined with people needing a break and just enjoying the day.

My sister and her kids came out to cheer us on at the second Cheering Station Saturday afternoon. I had a feeling we'd see someone we knew... but nothing beat seeing my four year-old nephew holding his sign. He lit up, I lit up, and we hugged like we had been apart for years.

Thank you, Sis, for supporting me!!

One of the crew members working the cross walks made this sign. We honored it.

Camp on night #2 was full of people mending their blisters and preparing for the rain.

You can see the ominous clouds approaching.


The site above was very common even first thing on Sunday morning. Women, ponchos, rain, and yet still a determined stride.

Here we are after about 5.5 miles Sunday morning. Still smiling...

We made it to Lakeshore Avenue... and even though the rain kept coming down and our feet were numb or sore, we pressed on. Still smiling.

Smiling here was easy. We are inside the Marriott and we are DONE! 60 miles, Baby!!

Here I am with my mom and dad.

Despite the closing ceremonies being canceled, both my parents and my hubby's came out to congratulate us. The whole weekend was full of trials, laughter, family, and friends.

Thanks for sharing my journey with me.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

8/11/07 - Blister Update

We walked 12 miles this morning and I have definitely become a pro at managing my blister problem with vaseline. The slimy feeling is completely worth it; I haven't had a new blister form in a couple of weeks!!

I did have the one blister form under my toenail about a month ago after a 16 mile walk. The good news is that I haven't lost the toenail. The bad news is that it does cause me a little pain and it looks gross. But I am hoping that after the walk it will heal nicely and just be a bad memory to be forgotten.

All in all I do feel ready for the walk this week. I plan on packing plenty of vaseline, baby powder, band-aids, icy hot, and drugs. And I suspect the idea of coming home to a Chocolate Lava Cake made by my loving husband will be medicine enough for most of my aches and pains!!

After all chocolate fixes just bout everything, right?

8/11/07 - The last update before the walk...

Jodi’s Final 3-Day Update before the walk:

I cannot believe I am typing this... Did summer go quicker this year? Time has flown and believe it or not the walk starts this up-coming Friday!!! I am excited, nervous, determined, and thankful. What an awesome opportunity this has been for me. I really feel like I am bigger than just my walking team; I am part of a movement, a cause, and a network of friends and families. Thank you all for supporting me all summer and watching me grow, struggle, and overcome. This has been quite a journey.

Here are some updates for you:
In early July I met the goal of $2,200. And as you know, I set a new goal for myself at $3,000... I am just in awe that I am a mere $30 away from hitting that. Isn't that amazing??. When this all started back in April $2,200 looked impossible. But I prayed and He delivered through you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

My teammate Dina figured out something truly awesome: By the time the walk ends on Sunday next week, we will have walked over 500 miles since we started training in April. That is almost like walking from here to Virginia Beach!!!!

They have released the route!! They do discourage you from driving along the route with us for safety reasons but they have provided the following safe Cheering Stations. These are great spots to show your support along the route:

Day One – Friday, August 17

Mile Marker 11.010:45 am – 2:30 pmJohn Carroll University20700 North Park BlvdUniversity Heights, OH 44118(Public parking near "John Carroll" sign at the front of the University. Spectators can cheer on the grass next to the sidewalk that is adjacent to the University.)

Mile Marker 17.312:15 pm – 5:30 pmRichmond Town Square (empty lot near Sears parking lot)691 Richmond Rd.Richmond Heights, OH 44143

Day Two – Saturday, August 18
Mile Marker 5.78:00 am – 11:15 amRegina High School1857 S. Green Rd.South Euclid, OH 44121

Mile Marker 11.09:00 am – 2:15 pmMaltz Museum2929 Richmond Rd.Beachwood, OH 44122(Nancy Brinker's art collection is on display at this museum.)

Day Three – Sunday, August 19
Mile Marker 6.08:15 am – 10:45 amThe Park Synagogue 3300 Mayfield Rd.Cleveland Heights, OH 44118(Large parking lot between Taylor and Lee - not the parking lot next to the Enterprise)

Mile Marker 13.010:30 am – 2:30 pmCleveland Lakefront State Park, East 55th St. Marina555 East Memorial ShorewayCleveland, OH 44108

Seeing familiar faces at the cheering stations can provide that extra burst of energy to not only my team but all of the participants! And I think this is a great activity for kids. They can learn about an important cause and have fun! Create banners, hold up signs, bring some music, and make some noise – anything to make us smile, get energized, and keep walking!!

Once again, the Closing Ceremonies are Sunday, August 19 at 4:30 pm at Mall B (Lakeside Avenue between East 6th Street and Ontario Street) in downtown Cleveland. We should be at the participant holding area relatively early and can exit the holding area and meet you at the Spectator Café (near the stage). But at 3:30 we (the walkers) do need to begin lining up for final victory walk. Bring chairs and food/drink!! While you wait for the ceremony to begin look for the area in the "cafe" where you can sign the tribute banner and watch a slideshow of photos from the weekend!

Once again, thank all of you for your support. For the most up-to-date supporter information, check out the Cleveland Supporter webpage.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."... Matthew 19:26

Jodi Hetman

7/30/07 - July 3-Day Update

Jodi’s July 3-Day Update:
- - This email was being sent to many friends and family members on July 30th- -

The countdown in on – 18 days remain until the August 17-19 Cleveland 3-Day walk for Breast Cancer. As a reminder, you are invited to the Closing Ceremonies being held Sunday, August 19, 2007, 4:30 pm at Mall B on Lakeside Avenue between East 6th Street and Ontario Street in Cleveland. I hope to see you there!! I know it will be an emotional event. I can't even imagine what it will be like or guess how long you'll be there but it should be well worth your time!

Here are some updates for you:
I reached my Goal!!!!! In early July I met the goal of $2,200. And because you know me, you should know that I couldn't just stop there. As of this afternoon, you guys have helped me raise $2,661!! I set a new goal for myself at $3,000... and I think I may just get there! Of course, that is thanks to all of you!

If you have thought about donating but haven't had the chance I would like to encourage you to do so today. So far the 267 Cleveland teams have raised over 1.7 million dollars!! You contribute to this great cause online (web address below) or send me a check made out to Breast Cancer 3-Day.

The exact route has still not been released... But I will keep checking!

Training is going well. As some of you know, I am walking less but working out more. I have been taking this approach for the last few weeks in an attempt to keep my feet healthy. So far it seems to be working. When I do walk for long stretches I am using advice many of you have given me - Vaseline or baby powder. I think the latter is cleaner but the former works better for me. I have already decided to make sure I have plenty of both for the official walk.

I want to send out an extra special THANK YOU to my Prayer Warriors. Without you ladies cheering me on everyday I know I would be full of anxiety and worry by now. But the power of prayer is awesome and you guys have asked for and delivered me peace. So thank you!!

Once again, thank all of you for your support. Remember: this is not just my journey, it is ours.

... the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go... Joshua 1:9

Jodi Hetman

Monday, August 6, 2007

8/6/07 - Just over one week to go!!

My gosh, it has been awhile since I have updated... the good news is that's because my blisters have been very small and basically unmentionable. Even this past weekend, after doing 8 miles and 14 miles Saturday and Sunday, I am doing fine!!! I have a hot spot (precursor to a blister) on the bottom of my left foot but I think I can manage it well enough that it won't turn into anything serious.

I can't believe the walk is just over a week away. It's time to start thinking about what to pack, what to wear, how much vaseline to pack... you know, all the important stuff!!

Boston had their walk this weekend. I found this news story online... How motivating!!

Her mom’s cancer battle worth a million bucks
By Tenley Woodman
Boston Herald Features Reporter
Thursday, August 2, 2007 - Updated: 12:58 AM EST

Talk about powerwalking. Seventeen-year-old Jordan Carlson. a high school senior from Charlotte, N.C., will be one of the participants in this weekend’s Breast Cancer 3-day Walk.
But she’s not stopping there.
Carlson will tackle not only Boston’s 60-mile trek,
kicking off tomorrow, but plans to complete the 11 other breast cancer 3-day walks nation-wide, totaling 720 miles.
“It comes down to the preparation and your passion for the cause,” said Jordan. “I’ve already walked 720 miles three times I know all the medical concerns with it.”
Participants in the walk must raise a minimum of $2,200 for the Susan G. Komen for the Cause fund. Jordan hopes to raise $1 million dollars. So far she has collected $600,000 and has gained the support of major corporations including Thorlo socks, the YMCA and Oakley.
Her motivation: mom Jan Carlson, 52, a two-time survivor of breast cancer.
“My whole life has been surrounded by this disease,” Jordan said.

For the full article, please visit:

I have said it before and I will say it again. I am SO blessed that I have not directly affected by this disease in my immediate family. But I have heard some amazing stories of people who have. People who have fought it and won... and people who have fought it only to end up going home to our Lori.

I was personally touched by one story in particular. The lady in the upper left of this picture recently lost her battle... leaving behind 4 beautiful and strong children. I have witnessed God's Love for this family just through the tears of a loved one... I will be walking for Michelle next week. And her family. And everyone else who hurts because of this dreaded disease.

Friday, July 20, 2007

7/20/07 - Walk Update

I haven't done much walking this week... but I have done plenty of eating out!! The good news is that I don't have any new blisters. But I did want to post this picture of my purple toenail.

The shadow makes is a little hard to see but it's the big toe on the left. I think I should invest in some dark red nail polish and just try to forget that it's there. I am still holding on to hope that it won't fall off. Or that if it does, it will be AFTER the walk.

Here's the update on the walk itself:
- Still no trail posted
- Looks like it will just be me and DS walking. LM just hasn't had the time to raise funds and may have to bow out. But she will be with us in spirit!
- I am checked in online. DS and I will be camping together... if it rains, our campsite will be the nearest Hampton Inn. :)
- I think I am physically ready. I may not have walked much this week but I used my stair stepper a couple times... once for 80 minutes!

Thanks for checking in on me! I will continue to keep you posted... 4 weeks to go!

Friday, July 13, 2007

7/13/07 - Friday the 13th

Maybe it's just because today is Friday the 13th and when I wake up tomorrow this will all have been a bad dream...

I noticed this morning that my big toe on my left foot was purple-ish. Not black. Not clear. Purple-ish. So of course, I Googled It!!

What is Black Toenail?

As you walk or run, your foot slides forward in your shoe, banging your toes against the top, front, and sides with each step. JH SAYS - "YES, THEY DO!!"

Your feet also swell during a walk or run and get compressed by your socks and shoes. That pressure and impact can damage your toenail beds, or create a blister under the toenail itself. When this happens, the extra blood and fluid cause your toenail to separate from the toenail bed, or the "toenail in training" as the Jeff Galloway site calls it. The blood colors the toenail black.

Is Your Black Toenail Painful?

If there is a blister under the toenail, you may see the toenail raised and it may be swollen and painful.

So I think what I have here is a blister under my nail... I think I will follow the advice next given in the article:

It is best to try to ignore this for 24 hours and see if it goes down by itself.

24 hours... 24 days... whatever. Seems like it doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did last weekend and no matter what, it sounds like I am going to lose the nail. Here's what came next:

Will I Lose My Toenail?

The short answer is - yes. It will take a few weeks or months, but as the toenail continues to grow, eventually it shoves out the damaged, blackened toenail. The black toenail is raised off of the toenail bed, and underneath it is often the healthy remainder of your toenail. Your black toenail will gradually loosen from the sides and you will be able to trim it away.

When Will My Toes Be Pretty Again?

Full replacement of your toenail takes about 3 months, and the new toenail will often be a bit wavy, thin in some areas and thicker in others. After 4-5 months your toenail should be back to normal.

So come Christmas, I will be fine!! And maybe by then Santa will bring me a BIKE!! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7/10/07 - 16 miles

We walked 16 miles on Saturday on the Towpath. For those of your familiar with the area, to give you an idea of how far that was we went from the Brecksville train station off Route 82/Riverview past the Peninsula train station off of Route 303.

So... how'd I do?

I was sore. My toes hurt, my butt hurt, and my knees hurt. I was dirty, sweaty, and hot.



Tuesday, July 3, 2007

7/4/07 - Three Day Update from June 28th

Jodi’s June 3-Day Update:
- - This email is being sent to many friends and family members - -

The countdown in on – just over 7 weeks remain until the August 17-19 Cleveland 3-Day walk for Breast Cancer.

Just as a reminder, I am participating in this walk with two other women, my friends Dina and Loretta. The idea appealed to us because each day during our lunch break we walked together for 4 miles. On a good week we all got 20 miles in. On a normal week it was usually 12 to 16 miles.

Up until two weeks ago, we were walking approximately 30 miles a week. On Saturday we do a long walk of 10-15 miles. We have started to train with our water bottles, sunscreen, and fanny packs. Yes, I know. “Cool” doesn’t even begin to describe us.

As some of you know, I am unfortunately on a two-week break from training by doctor’s orders. I let my blisters get the best of me and so I am temporarily held back. But I promise you this is only a minor setback and that I will soon be back on the trail representing Women, Breast Cancer, and each one of you!

Here are some updates for you:
Shortfall to goal – only $250!!! Thanks to all of you I am almost there! I cannot believe it!! God is so good; He has given me not just a team of three walkers… but a team of over 35 people. You are all special and a part of this now! I am so excited to see how much we can raise as a team. I know I am not stopping until my shoes hit the pavement on Augist 17th!

If you have thought about donating but haven't had the chance I would like to encourage you to do so today. Help the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world! You can donate online (web address below) or send me a check made out to Breast Cancer 3-Day.

The locations of the opening and closing ceremonies have been released! They are:
Opening Ceremonies: Friday, August 17, 2007Thistledown Race Track21501 Emery RoadNorth Randall, OH 44128
Walkers are to arrive by 6:00 am, ceremony starts at 6:30 am

Closing Ceremonies: Sunday, August 19, 2007, 4:30 pm
Mall BLakeside Avenue between East 6th Street and Ontario StreetCleveland, OH 44114

I doubt many of you will want to see me off at 6:30 but I do encourage each one of you to come to the Closing Ceremony on August 19th. It is said to be an emotional afternoon that will never be forgotten! If you need directions, let me know!!

I am also selling Team Shirts and 2” buttons with our team name and tagline on it. These are $20 and $2.00 respectively. I am hoping it will be a great way for everyone to recognize whom you’re supporting at the closing ceremony. Just imagine if we get a crowd of 20 people waiting for us at the “finish line,” all wearing our team name!

If you are interested in either one, please email me by July 23rd. If you are ordering a shirt, please indicate what size you would like.

Besides attending the Closing Ceremony you can also be a Sideline Supporter! As soon as they release the trail for the three days, I will email it to you. If you have time on Friday or Saturday, pick a spot and just cheer the walkers on. Music, bowls of candy, bubbles – all of these are great items to have on hand to perk up the walkers. Just when they think they can’t take another step, they see someone like you encouraging them on! There is no organized method to signing up for this – just pick a time, grab some friends or your kids, and come on out!

Once again, thank you for your support. Remember: this is not just my journey, it is ours.

Through Him all things are possible!
Jodi Hetman

7/3/07 - My new best friend

Well, my two week hiatus ended last Friday. And Saturday I walked 5 miles... one small hot spot on top of my toes but for the most part I found my New Balance walking shoes were comfy cozy!

Here's why - my new best friend:

Many of you suggested it and so far I have found it works like a charm. I have logged 12 miles in my new shoes and nary a blister to be seen!!
Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and DS, LM, and I are going to walk 8 miles. Should be great fun and the final test! I will let you know how it goes!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

6/16/07 - Deflated Giant

I have a lot to report on the Angry Red Giant... but be forewarned, this picture isn't pleasant either. Makes ME sick and it's mine!!

I went to our general practitioner yesterday afternoon. Thankfully, Dr. M's speciality is sports medicine and that made me feel a little better. I have to admit when the nurse asked me why I was there I did feel a bit goofy saying "Blister." But then she looked at it and she understood.

So as to not make myself pass out, here's is a condensed version of what happened - clip clip, snip snip, keep it dressed, antibiotics, don't walk.

Wait, back up... "Don't walk for HOW LONG?"

Two Weeks.

Thankfully I can use my stepper to keep my endurance up but I am already missing my girls and my walks and it's only been three days! That being said, though, I can't walk right now with this "wound" so I guess I just need to accept it.

My next step yesterday was to go back to Fleet Feet. And once again, I say "Thank you Fleet Feet!!" I was worried about what they would say or do. I wanted new shoes but they were clearly not in original condition (I put 105 miles on them already!) and they were 33 days old. But one look at the inside, the "exploded" shoe lace, and then my heel and the lady working said they would take them back and give me store credit for the full value of the shoe. YEA!! They are going to return them to the manufacturer as defective and when my heel is better in a few days I will go back and be refitted for New Balance shoes.

As far as my mental state, it ebbs and flows. For those of you who know me, this is giving me serious willys and making my hands and toes quite numb. I am not comfortable with the dressings, antibiotic cream, etc., and I am thinking I should have asked for some Valium to get me through the next two weeks.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

6/14/07 - Angry Red Giant


By popular demand, some of you have been asking me to post pictures of this doosey. So here it is. This one might be worse than the first one that inspired this blog... but I will leave that up to you.

I actually let Brian prick it with a pin last night and it oozed. We'll do it again tonight... I have heard I should lance it but I can't stomach that option yet.

Tomorrow night I will go back to Fleet Feet and ask them what is up with this madness... all I wanted was a pair of shoes that would allow me to go Blister Free. I told them cost was no object. Style wasn't important. Just make sure they fit... um, I think something went wrong in that department.

I haven't walked in two days. Tomorrow morning I am walking in flip flops. I miss it!

I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

6/9/07 - 12 Miles

LM and I did it!!! Our longest walk yet - 12 miles on Saturday, June 9th. Today was also the first time we walked with bags / water on our persons. We need to start getting used to carrying something so that we have a change of socks and water with us during the August 17-19th event.

We walked the Ohio Erie Canal Towpath, heading south toward Peninsula. If you've not been to the towpath, you HAVE to check it out!

The best part is all of the animals you'll see! Cranes, turtles, frogs, amazing spider webs, and even the bald eagles if you're lucky!

My blisters are doing pretty good. My heel is scabbed and that is painful but I am walking "through the pain." DS has shin splints; I think the training is catching up on all of us. But we all agree - better to happen now and get them worked out then have them pop up on day one of the walk.

I will keep you posted. Thanks for checking in on me!

6/6/07 - 3 Day Update

Please support me and my friends Dina and Loretta as we take an amazing journey in the fight against breast cancer! The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 60-mile walk over the course of three days. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”



First update: Have you ever watched Survivor on CBS? Don’t worry, this isn’t a commercial for CBS or Reality Shows. And no, that is not my next adventure. The reason I am asking is because I always cry during the episode that features the letters from home. I think it’s touching to hear the words of wisdom, support, and encouragement. It never fails to restore the participants’ energy, brighten their spirits, and carry them through those final days on the island.

Here’s the point: You can do the same for me!!!

During the Cleveland 3-Day walk, there is a Camp Post Office. Letters should be sent 2 weeks prior to the event (Aug 17-19) to ensure they will be onsite. If you are interested in doing this, here is where you should send it:

3-Day Camp Post Office

Jodi Hetman

PO Box 201039

Shaker Heights, OH 44120-9998

Next update: Training is going really well. This should be a record week for me and my teammates. We should hit 38 miles by the end of the week – 13 of which will come from our Saturday morning “stroll” in Hinckley. The nice thing is that we are seeing some beautiful sections of our metroparks. And it doesn’t hurt that my pants fit better now too! LOL!

For those of you who have not been witness to it yet, I have started a Blister Blog online at Warning - some of the pictures posted are not pretty! Blisters have definitely been the hardest part of my training… but what can I say, I am just a sensitive girl all over!

Final update: I am up to $1,485!!! Wow! You guys are amazing! My next challenge is getting to that $2,200 mark. To help me with that, a very talented friend of mine has volunteered her time and skills by making and donating these bracelets (see the attached pictures).

If you would be interested in purchasing a bracelet, please let me know by emailing me the color you’d prefer (green or pink) and if you prefer a Medium or Large.

This could be a great gift for friends and family this summer! The cost is $15; proceeds will go to my 3-Day walk fundraising efforts.

Thanks for listening and loving!!!



Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support The Breast Cancer 3-Day

Friday, June 1, 2007

05/31/07 - Rebirth of #2

DS and I walk every day at lunch. Well, almost every day. Our goal each day is 4 miles but recently the heat has been kicking our butts. I think we've been averaging closer to 3.5 each afternoon.

The picture above is the REBIRTH OF BLISTER #2. This spot is the WORST! It just hurts no matter what... shoes - Hurt! barefoot - Hurts! It's a no win. Which means tomorrow I am using the stepper.


Pictured above here is Blister #1... still peeling!! But it doesn't hurt so it's all good.

Note from the 3 Day Folks:
Nice appealing logo, don't you think?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

5/26/07 - No new blisters

LM, DS, and I walked 2.5 hours this morning. I think we fell just shy of our 10 mile goal but I am very proud of us regardless. This was definitely the most humid that it's been so far during training. And guess what? The good news is that I DON'T HAVE ANY NEW BLISTERS! Yea me! An accomplishment for sure!

Above are updates of the worst blisters I have had so far. #1 has definitely calloused over but now the dead skin is peeling. Sorry... probably should post warnings when things get gross, huh? Blister #3 really needs to pop but for those of you who know me well, you know that will have to happen naturally.

12 weeks remain until the walk. To date I have raised $1435.00... over half way to my goal. If you are reading this and don't know what I am referring to, it's the Cleveland 3-Day walk for Breast Cancer in August... check out their website for more information: For those of you reading this who already know about it - thanks for your continued support and interest.

Many of you have asked me about the trail. This is from the 3 day website:

"Please note that the exact route is still being finalized and subject to change. Developing the ideal course that will provide for a safe and scenic weekend is a long process, involving the cooperation of many jurisdictions."

I will keep you posted on the route and where the closing ceremonies will take place. I hope to see you all there!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

5/22/07 - Blister #4

I am not even joking about this... I have another. It's small, though, so the picture above is actually a picture of Blister #1 as it looks today... which is 100X better than before!

I think the arches on my "Superfeet" inserts are rubbing on my feet wrong and hence the blisters on the inside arches of my feet. This new one is a mirror of blister #3 and also not bad. After walking outside on a hot day like today, though, it's a little irritated. The blister pads I bought actually "melted" to my feet. Honest. I will try to get a picture of that next time.

And rest assured, there will be a next time. Did I not say this would be a blistery summer?