Saturday, June 16, 2007

6/16/07 - Deflated Giant

I have a lot to report on the Angry Red Giant... but be forewarned, this picture isn't pleasant either. Makes ME sick and it's mine!!

I went to our general practitioner yesterday afternoon. Thankfully, Dr. M's speciality is sports medicine and that made me feel a little better. I have to admit when the nurse asked me why I was there I did feel a bit goofy saying "Blister." But then she looked at it and she understood.

So as to not make myself pass out, here's is a condensed version of what happened - clip clip, snip snip, keep it dressed, antibiotics, don't walk.

Wait, back up... "Don't walk for HOW LONG?"

Two Weeks.

Thankfully I can use my stepper to keep my endurance up but I am already missing my girls and my walks and it's only been three days! That being said, though, I can't walk right now with this "wound" so I guess I just need to accept it.

My next step yesterday was to go back to Fleet Feet. And once again, I say "Thank you Fleet Feet!!" I was worried about what they would say or do. I wanted new shoes but they were clearly not in original condition (I put 105 miles on them already!) and they were 33 days old. But one look at the inside, the "exploded" shoe lace, and then my heel and the lady working said they would take them back and give me store credit for the full value of the shoe. YEA!! They are going to return them to the manufacturer as defective and when my heel is better in a few days I will go back and be refitted for New Balance shoes.

As far as my mental state, it ebbs and flows. For those of you who know me, this is giving me serious willys and making my hands and toes quite numb. I am not comfortable with the dressings, antibiotic cream, etc., and I am thinking I should have asked for some Valium to get me through the next two weeks.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

6/14/07 - Angry Red Giant


By popular demand, some of you have been asking me to post pictures of this doosey. So here it is. This one might be worse than the first one that inspired this blog... but I will leave that up to you.

I actually let Brian prick it with a pin last night and it oozed. We'll do it again tonight... I have heard I should lance it but I can't stomach that option yet.

Tomorrow night I will go back to Fleet Feet and ask them what is up with this madness... all I wanted was a pair of shoes that would allow me to go Blister Free. I told them cost was no object. Style wasn't important. Just make sure they fit... um, I think something went wrong in that department.

I haven't walked in two days. Tomorrow morning I am walking in flip flops. I miss it!

I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

6/9/07 - 12 Miles

LM and I did it!!! Our longest walk yet - 12 miles on Saturday, June 9th. Today was also the first time we walked with bags / water on our persons. We need to start getting used to carrying something so that we have a change of socks and water with us during the August 17-19th event.

We walked the Ohio Erie Canal Towpath, heading south toward Peninsula. If you've not been to the towpath, you HAVE to check it out!

The best part is all of the animals you'll see! Cranes, turtles, frogs, amazing spider webs, and even the bald eagles if you're lucky!

My blisters are doing pretty good. My heel is scabbed and that is painful but I am walking "through the pain." DS has shin splints; I think the training is catching up on all of us. But we all agree - better to happen now and get them worked out then have them pop up on day one of the walk.

I will keep you posted. Thanks for checking in on me!

6/6/07 - 3 Day Update

Please support me and my friends Dina and Loretta as we take an amazing journey in the fight against breast cancer! The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 60-mile walk over the course of three days. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”



First update: Have you ever watched Survivor on CBS? Don’t worry, this isn’t a commercial for CBS or Reality Shows. And no, that is not my next adventure. The reason I am asking is because I always cry during the episode that features the letters from home. I think it’s touching to hear the words of wisdom, support, and encouragement. It never fails to restore the participants’ energy, brighten their spirits, and carry them through those final days on the island.

Here’s the point: You can do the same for me!!!

During the Cleveland 3-Day walk, there is a Camp Post Office. Letters should be sent 2 weeks prior to the event (Aug 17-19) to ensure they will be onsite. If you are interested in doing this, here is where you should send it:

3-Day Camp Post Office

Jodi Hetman

PO Box 201039

Shaker Heights, OH 44120-9998

Next update: Training is going really well. This should be a record week for me and my teammates. We should hit 38 miles by the end of the week – 13 of which will come from our Saturday morning “stroll” in Hinckley. The nice thing is that we are seeing some beautiful sections of our metroparks. And it doesn’t hurt that my pants fit better now too! LOL!

For those of you who have not been witness to it yet, I have started a Blister Blog online at Warning - some of the pictures posted are not pretty! Blisters have definitely been the hardest part of my training… but what can I say, I am just a sensitive girl all over!

Final update: I am up to $1,485!!! Wow! You guys are amazing! My next challenge is getting to that $2,200 mark. To help me with that, a very talented friend of mine has volunteered her time and skills by making and donating these bracelets (see the attached pictures).

If you would be interested in purchasing a bracelet, please let me know by emailing me the color you’d prefer (green or pink) and if you prefer a Medium or Large.

This could be a great gift for friends and family this summer! The cost is $15; proceeds will go to my 3-Day walk fundraising efforts.

Thanks for listening and loving!!!



Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support The Breast Cancer 3-Day