Saturday, August 11, 2007

7/30/07 - July 3-Day Update

Jodi’s July 3-Day Update:
- - This email was being sent to many friends and family members on July 30th- -

The countdown in on – 18 days remain until the August 17-19 Cleveland 3-Day walk for Breast Cancer. As a reminder, you are invited to the Closing Ceremonies being held Sunday, August 19, 2007, 4:30 pm at Mall B on Lakeside Avenue between East 6th Street and Ontario Street in Cleveland. I hope to see you there!! I know it will be an emotional event. I can't even imagine what it will be like or guess how long you'll be there but it should be well worth your time!

Here are some updates for you:
I reached my Goal!!!!! In early July I met the goal of $2,200. And because you know me, you should know that I couldn't just stop there. As of this afternoon, you guys have helped me raise $2,661!! I set a new goal for myself at $3,000... and I think I may just get there! Of course, that is thanks to all of you!

If you have thought about donating but haven't had the chance I would like to encourage you to do so today. So far the 267 Cleveland teams have raised over 1.7 million dollars!! You contribute to this great cause online (web address below) or send me a check made out to Breast Cancer 3-Day.

The exact route has still not been released... But I will keep checking!

Training is going well. As some of you know, I am walking less but working out more. I have been taking this approach for the last few weeks in an attempt to keep my feet healthy. So far it seems to be working. When I do walk for long stretches I am using advice many of you have given me - Vaseline or baby powder. I think the latter is cleaner but the former works better for me. I have already decided to make sure I have plenty of both for the official walk.

I want to send out an extra special THANK YOU to my Prayer Warriors. Without you ladies cheering me on everyday I know I would be full of anxiety and worry by now. But the power of prayer is awesome and you guys have asked for and delivered me peace. So thank you!!

Once again, thank all of you for your support. Remember: this is not just my journey, it is ours.

... the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go... Joshua 1:9

Jodi Hetman

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