Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11/11/07 - HCC Visit

Sunday morning we went to church with little Maddie's parents. Her mom said that she wanted to go to be closer to Madeline. I am so glad they came.

I am not sure if there are windows in heaven or not but I like to think so. And I am confident that when we talk to God about our loved ones who have already joined him, they hear.

I wonder about what heaven is like a lot. I know we won't be physically the same and yet we recognize one another. That is something we have to have faith on because I wonder how we find each other. Not just recognizing faces but how do we find each other in the large mass of people and angels? Is it over-crowded? Are there apartments? Do you get to fly with angel wings to visit someone who lives the next block over? :)

Dear Lord,

I pray that T&R continue to have strength to face each day. As you have already done, show them your love and goodness despite their tragedy. Hold them close to you, Lord, and protect them as they think about having another child.

Please watch over B and I , too,. Hold my hand these next few weeks and keep us strong. With the holidays approaching, life tends to go to fast and I don't ever want to look back and wonder if I made the most of every moment you give us here on Earth. I may wonder about Heaven, Lord, but I don't think I am done here yet.

Thank you for all your blessings you have given me.
In your son's name, I give honor and praise.

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