Friday, June 12, 2009

What five things would you change?

My parents gave me the book "One Month to Live" for my birthday. I am just through reading the introduction and already they pose that timeless question:

"As quickly as possible, without thinking too hard or too long, make a list of five things you would change about your life if you knew you only had a month to live..."

Here's my initial thoughts:

1. Get new lush carpeting for the whole whole and enjoy walking barefoot on it everyday
2. I would still work but I think would work only three days a week and stop working from home. On my two "extra" days I would nap and be lazy with a book / TV  all day. The other day I would go out and "do" something... visit a museum, drive through the park systems, find new restaurants, and finally know my way around the east side!
3. Eat healthier and enjoy cooking at least 3 nights a week
4. Re-train my dogs in obedience
5. Write love letters to everyone in my family for them to read and be comforted by when I was gone

Wow. Some of those came out of no where. Your supposed to choose at least one to begin changing today. I suppose all except for reducing the work hours is possible, huh?

I will keep this blog posted over the next 30 days. 

Eddie Cantor (1892 - 1964)