Saturday, June 16, 2007

6/16/07 - Deflated Giant

I have a lot to report on the Angry Red Giant... but be forewarned, this picture isn't pleasant either. Makes ME sick and it's mine!!

I went to our general practitioner yesterday afternoon. Thankfully, Dr. M's speciality is sports medicine and that made me feel a little better. I have to admit when the nurse asked me why I was there I did feel a bit goofy saying "Blister." But then she looked at it and she understood.

So as to not make myself pass out, here's is a condensed version of what happened - clip clip, snip snip, keep it dressed, antibiotics, don't walk.

Wait, back up... "Don't walk for HOW LONG?"

Two Weeks.

Thankfully I can use my stepper to keep my endurance up but I am already missing my girls and my walks and it's only been three days! That being said, though, I can't walk right now with this "wound" so I guess I just need to accept it.

My next step yesterday was to go back to Fleet Feet. And once again, I say "Thank you Fleet Feet!!" I was worried about what they would say or do. I wanted new shoes but they were clearly not in original condition (I put 105 miles on them already!) and they were 33 days old. But one look at the inside, the "exploded" shoe lace, and then my heel and the lady working said they would take them back and give me store credit for the full value of the shoe. YEA!! They are going to return them to the manufacturer as defective and when my heel is better in a few days I will go back and be refitted for New Balance shoes.

As far as my mental state, it ebbs and flows. For those of you who know me, this is giving me serious willys and making my hands and toes quite numb. I am not comfortable with the dressings, antibiotic cream, etc., and I am thinking I should have asked for some Valium to get me through the next two weeks.


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