Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Instead of a roller coaster...

Question for today: Instead of a roller coaster, what symbol or metaphor would you choose to describe what your life would look like if you were fully engaged?

The book recommends coming up with something "as unique as you are." But nothing can match me! J/K of course.

Hmmm... first thought was a full summer festival, not just the roller coaster. My life should look like it all - from the face painting booth to the fried oreos and all the fun in between. But not from an adults perspective... my life should reflect the festival from a child's perspective.

Imagine... walking into the festival for the first time. Can you imagine the grin on your face when you see the goldfish prizes? The clowns with their poodle dogs? Imagine smelling the fries, the corndogs, and the popcorn. Imagine holding a afresh squeezed lemonade with the lemon at the bottom. Imagine the small carousel and the sound of the other children laughing while their parents stand grinning at their side. Imagine the joy. The excitement. The awe.

THAT'S IT! My symbol is a child standing in joyful awe at the world in front of them.