Monday, August 6, 2007

8/6/07 - Just over one week to go!!

My gosh, it has been awhile since I have updated... the good news is that's because my blisters have been very small and basically unmentionable. Even this past weekend, after doing 8 miles and 14 miles Saturday and Sunday, I am doing fine!!! I have a hot spot (precursor to a blister) on the bottom of my left foot but I think I can manage it well enough that it won't turn into anything serious.

I can't believe the walk is just over a week away. It's time to start thinking about what to pack, what to wear, how much vaseline to pack... you know, all the important stuff!!

Boston had their walk this weekend. I found this news story online... How motivating!!

Her mom’s cancer battle worth a million bucks
By Tenley Woodman
Boston Herald Features Reporter
Thursday, August 2, 2007 - Updated: 12:58 AM EST

Talk about powerwalking. Seventeen-year-old Jordan Carlson. a high school senior from Charlotte, N.C., will be one of the participants in this weekend’s Breast Cancer 3-day Walk.
But she’s not stopping there.
Carlson will tackle not only Boston’s 60-mile trek,
kicking off tomorrow, but plans to complete the 11 other breast cancer 3-day walks nation-wide, totaling 720 miles.
“It comes down to the preparation and your passion for the cause,” said Jordan. “I’ve already walked 720 miles three times I know all the medical concerns with it.”
Participants in the walk must raise a minimum of $2,200 for the Susan G. Komen for the Cause fund. Jordan hopes to raise $1 million dollars. So far she has collected $600,000 and has gained the support of major corporations including Thorlo socks, the YMCA and Oakley.
Her motivation: mom Jan Carlson, 52, a two-time survivor of breast cancer.
“My whole life has been surrounded by this disease,” Jordan said.

For the full article, please visit:

I have said it before and I will say it again. I am SO blessed that I have not directly affected by this disease in my immediate family. But I have heard some amazing stories of people who have. People who have fought it and won... and people who have fought it only to end up going home to our Lori.

I was personally touched by one story in particular. The lady in the upper left of this picture recently lost her battle... leaving behind 4 beautiful and strong children. I have witnessed God's Love for this family just through the tears of a loved one... I will be walking for Michelle next week. And her family. And everyone else who hurts because of this dreaded disease.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jodi for your successful efforts. I admire you and what you have done for others.
Michelle was a wonderful, beautiful soul. We miss her very much. She would be doing what you have done if she could.

Keep up the good work!