Saturday, August 11, 2007

8/11/07 - Blister Update

We walked 12 miles this morning and I have definitely become a pro at managing my blister problem with vaseline. The slimy feeling is completely worth it; I haven't had a new blister form in a couple of weeks!!

I did have the one blister form under my toenail about a month ago after a 16 mile walk. The good news is that I haven't lost the toenail. The bad news is that it does cause me a little pain and it looks gross. But I am hoping that after the walk it will heal nicely and just be a bad memory to be forgotten.

All in all I do feel ready for the walk this week. I plan on packing plenty of vaseline, baby powder, band-aids, icy hot, and drugs. And I suspect the idea of coming home to a Chocolate Lava Cake made by my loving husband will be medicine enough for most of my aches and pains!!

After all chocolate fixes just bout everything, right?

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