Friday, July 13, 2007

7/13/07 - Friday the 13th

Maybe it's just because today is Friday the 13th and when I wake up tomorrow this will all have been a bad dream...

I noticed this morning that my big toe on my left foot was purple-ish. Not black. Not clear. Purple-ish. So of course, I Googled It!!

What is Black Toenail?

As you walk or run, your foot slides forward in your shoe, banging your toes against the top, front, and sides with each step. JH SAYS - "YES, THEY DO!!"

Your feet also swell during a walk or run and get compressed by your socks and shoes. That pressure and impact can damage your toenail beds, or create a blister under the toenail itself. When this happens, the extra blood and fluid cause your toenail to separate from the toenail bed, or the "toenail in training" as the Jeff Galloway site calls it. The blood colors the toenail black.

Is Your Black Toenail Painful?

If there is a blister under the toenail, you may see the toenail raised and it may be swollen and painful.

So I think what I have here is a blister under my nail... I think I will follow the advice next given in the article:

It is best to try to ignore this for 24 hours and see if it goes down by itself.

24 hours... 24 days... whatever. Seems like it doesn't matter. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did last weekend and no matter what, it sounds like I am going to lose the nail. Here's what came next:

Will I Lose My Toenail?

The short answer is - yes. It will take a few weeks or months, but as the toenail continues to grow, eventually it shoves out the damaged, blackened toenail. The black toenail is raised off of the toenail bed, and underneath it is often the healthy remainder of your toenail. Your black toenail will gradually loosen from the sides and you will be able to trim it away.

When Will My Toes Be Pretty Again?

Full replacement of your toenail takes about 3 months, and the new toenail will often be a bit wavy, thin in some areas and thicker in others. After 4-5 months your toenail should be back to normal.

So come Christmas, I will be fine!! And maybe by then Santa will bring me a BIKE!! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7/10/07 - 16 miles

We walked 16 miles on Saturday on the Towpath. For those of your familiar with the area, to give you an idea of how far that was we went from the Brecksville train station off Route 82/Riverview past the Peninsula train station off of Route 303.

So... how'd I do?

I was sore. My toes hurt, my butt hurt, and my knees hurt. I was dirty, sweaty, and hot.